pranayama: foundation course: online

Welcome to a 6 week course that may change your life.

Learn the basic theory and techniques to begin the practice of Yogic breathing - "Pranayama".


Have you ever felt unsure in a Yoga class about the breathing exercises...and wondered "why" and "how"?

Have you heard about the benefits of Pranayama but are not sure how to start?

We will systematically learn the "why and how" of the fundamental Yogic breath techniques.


Yogic breath techniques (Pranayama) have many benefits and can be practiced by anyone.  Our breath is a simple, safe and effective tool that can be used by everyone to  improve physical, mental, emotional health and wellbeing.

„Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.“-Thich Nhat Hahn


There are many well documented physical benefits from having a regular breathing/pranayama practice.

  • Decreases stress and anxiety, improves sleep
  • Improves cardiovascular and digestive function
  • Improves respiratory muscle strength and lung function
  • Balances and regulates your nervous system


Pranayama is the gateway to our inner world. This course will introduce the theory and ideas of our Subtle/Energy body, providing an understanding of why the Ancient Yogis practiced these techniques.

What you will learn:

  • Theory and Practice - Techniques to build a foundation practice: Diaphragmatic Breath, Yogic Breath, Nadi Shodhana, Kapalabhati, Bhastrika, Breath Ratios, Box Breath, and Breath Awareness Meditation
  • An introduction into our Subtle/Energy body: Prana, Koshas, Nadis
  • An introduction to the physical anatomy of respiration
  • Simple asanas and movement to compliment a Pranayama practice

Course details:


Dates to be announced for the next course in late spring.

All sessions will be recorded and available for 3 months after the end of the course. If you miss a "live" session it is recommended to view the recording before the next session as each one builds upon the last.

A simple "homework" practice will be provided each week, ideally to be practiced in the time before the next session.

Cost: 98 Sfr


Email me if interested:



Tracy Cooper





Tel / WhatsApp: +41 77 477 05 25